
What makes certain strawberries taste better than others? A large part of the difference comes from how far the berries get shipped from field to market. The shorter the distance and the shorter the time, the better they tend to taste. At Wickham’s, our strawberry field is just a few hundred yards from our farmstand, …

Strawberry Moon

[xf_textblock size=” font_color=” color=” animation_type=” animation_duration=’0.5′ animation_delay=’0.5′] This week marks an extraordinarily rare coincidence in which the longest day of the year happens at the same time as a full moon.  Read more about the strawberry moon here. www.treehugger.com/natural-sciences/strawberry-full-moon-makes-summer-solstice-super-rare-thing.html Best quote from the article:  “We probably won’t push people off pyramids like the Mayans did.” …