
May 5 · We have a plentiful crop of asparagus this year. When you come by the farmstand, take home some extra, for a healthy snack to munch on over the weekend, and to cook for your friends and family in the week to come.

rhubarb-and-custard tart recipe

A rhubarb-and-custard tart recipe that puts the unique flavor of rhubarb to good use, from : 397 grams light condensed milk 100 ml light evaporated milk 5 ml light vanilla essence 2 tablespoons cornflour 2 eggs 2 yolks 300 grams rhubarb 50 grams caster sugar 50 ml water 200 grams rolled sweet pastry 1. …

May 3 · The farmstand is now open from 9:00AM to 4:30PM Monday through Saturday.

May 3 · The farmstand is now open from 9:00AM to 4:30PM Monday through Saturday. We invite you to come down and partake in the excitement of the beginning of the new season with preserves, donuts, brightly-colored pink rhubarb, and abundant hearty asparagus.