We do not filter or treat our honey. Our honey goes straight from the honeycomb into the bottle.
Tag Archives: Honeybees
Bees cooling off on a warm day.
Bees in the Blackberries
June 24 · A bee pollinating the blackberries.
May 24 · Honey is on the stand.
honey sticks
May 6 · Our honey sticks go well with hot tea or coffee, as a sweetener.
Wild bees pollinating plum blossoms at Wickham’s Fruit Farm.
native wild bees
Wickham’s Fruit Farm supports the community by providing habitat for like this one, which is pollinating the plum blossoms.
The Culitivation of Honey
[xf_textblock size=” font_color=” color=” animation_type=” animation_duration=’0.5′ animation_delay=’0.5′] The cultivation of honey is an ancient practice that goes back to the time before recorded history. Would anyone like to guess how long sealed honey keeps? [/xf_textblock]
Wickham’s Fruit Farm’s Honey
[xf_textblock size=” font_color=” color=” animation_type=” animation_duration=’0.5′ animation_delay=’0.5′] We now have our honey on the stand. Wickham’s Fruit Farm’s honey has a unique flavor that comes from the vegetation and climate of the East End, where the honey bees spend their time. [/xf_textblock]