
Here’s a preview of some of our coming attractions.Peaches: We anticipate an abundant harvest of peaches this summer, including white peaches, yellow peaches, donut-shaped peaches, clingstone peaches, and freestone peaches. Bakery: When peach season gets underway, look for our peach pies, orchard harvest tarts, peach-blueberry tarts, and peach-raspberry jam, all made fresh in our own …

Wickham’s Fruit Farm’s Honey

[xf_textblock size=” font_color=” color=” animation_type=” animation_duration=’0.5′ animation_delay=’0.5′] We now have our honey on the stand.  Wickham’s Fruit Farm’s honey has a unique flavor that comes from the vegetation and climate of the East End, where the honey bees spend their time. [/xf_textblock]