The Big Duck

[xf_textblock size=” font_color=” color=” animation_type=” animation_duration=’0.5′ animation_delay=’0.5′] Wickham’s Fruit Farm recommends the Big Duck, located on Route 24 in Flanders.  The Big Duck is a unique piece of roadside Americana set in a quintessentially Eastern Long Island landscape of sandy flat coastal land.  The Big Duck is staffed with guides who have an impressive knowledge …

An Interesting Soil Map

[xf_textblock size=” font_color=” color=” animation_type=” animation_duration=’0.5′ animation_delay=’0.5′] An interesting soil map of the East End of Long Island from the US Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Cornell University Experiment Station, 1972.  The sandy loam soils of the East End are comparatively rare in the United States and are a major reason why the area’s farms, …