Vintage apple cider jugs

September 12 ·  Blast from the past: Anyone like to guess how old these vintage apple cider jugs are? They have a PE4- phone number on the label.


 September 11 ·  We grow these everbearing strawberries right here on our own land. They are available at our farmstand and feature the most intense flavor of any strawberry we sell.

Wagon rides

September 7 ·  We are now open for pick-your-own apples with wagon rides Fridays and Saturdays.

Pick-your-own apples

September 7 Pick-your-own apples with wagon rides Fridays & Saturdays.

Apple season

September 7 ·  Apple season is underway at Wickham’s Fruit Farm. Look for our cold-press apple cider, apple cider donuts, apple turnovers, and other apple-related products to begin this year approximately around the middle of September.